Given that ensuring safety of all students is so important to us, our senior leadership team also acts as our safeguarding team. Pete Tilman, Head of School, is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Rachel Rowbottom, Head of Chemistry is our deputy DSL. Pete and Rachel are happy to make time to speak with any member of our community – student, parent, staff member or external individual – about any concern that they might have that impact the welfare of one of our students.
If you want to speak to someone about a safeguarding concern or have any questions about the pastoral aspects of life at LUSoM, please get in contact via the main school office details at the top of this page.

How we support our students' wellbeing
At LUSoM, our students’ welfare is of paramount important as young people cannot learn effectively and thrive academically if they do not feel safe and happy. This focus on pastoral care stands as a cornerstone of our ethos and is deeply appreciated by both students and their families.
Being a smaller institution affords us the unique advantage of fostering a tight-knit, familial environment, though this community experience is enhanced by the access that all our students have to facilities and opportunities at Cardinal Newman College.
“My son has found ‘his people’ at LUSoM – it’s the happiest he has ever been in school.”
Parent of LUSoM student
The essence of pastoral care is woven throughout our operational fabric. Each student has one of their subject teachers who acts as an achievement tutor. The benefit of one a student’s teachers acting in this role is that they will be seen most days by the teacher, who will be able to spot changes in behaviour or mood. The achievement tutor arranges regular one-to-one meetings to facilitate each student’s educational journey.
Although every student has a dedicated teacher who is their first port of call for pastoral issues, we uphold the principle that every community member plays a crucial role in mutual care. Students often express their admiration for the community’s spirit of closeness, a factor they attribute to their overall success and well-being.
“I think I’d feel comfortable talking to any of my teachers if I had a problem at home – all of them are so approachable and take a genuine interest in how we’re doing.”
Year 13 LUSoM student
We advocate for open communication, encouraging students to seek out the most comfortable confidant, be it within the senior leadership team, their achievement tutor, another teacher, or a member of our operations team. Our collective goal is to be readily available for support whenever our students require it.